Viral Pyrexia with R Pleural Effusion

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of  " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 67/M came to the OPD with c/o
1. Fever since 7 days
2. SOB grade 2 since 2 days

Pt was apparantly asymptomatic 7 days back. Then he developed fever, low grade, intermittent a/w chills and rigors. SOB grade 2. Not a/w chills and rigors, vomitings, loose stools, headache. Pt had visited the hospital in Nalgonda with the above complaints and investigations were done.
Hb 10.5
TLC 3000
Plt 1.33 lakh
N 12
L 85
M 2
E 1
B 0
Salmonella typhi O 1.320
Salmonella typhi H 1.160
Malarial parasite -
Cr 0.8
K 3.3
Ca 8.2
Na 138
RBS 122mg/dl
Ns1 -
Alb trace
Pus cells 3 to 4
CRP 5.8 mg/dl
Ct scan - R moderate to severe Pleural effusion, thickened septa in R upper lobe ? Old infection
CXR - R consolidation, R pleural effusion

Pt not a K/C/O DM, HTN, TB, asthma, epilepsy. H/o flurosis of neck and spine. Has restricted neck movements.

Pt is a married man who is an agriculture labourer by profession.
His appatite is reduced since 1 week
Takes mixed diet
Regular bowel and bladder habits
Occasional toddy drinker (but stopped 1 year back).

On examination
No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy, clubbing, pedal edema
PR 76bpm
BP 120/90 mmHg

S1 S2 heard

Chest AP 19 cm
Transverse 30 cm
Dyspnoea -
Wheeze -
Trachea central
Breath sounds vesicular
Reduced breath sounds in right IAA, ISA

Soft, non-tender, bowel sounds +

Pt is conscious
Speech normal
No signs of neck stiffness
Cranial nerves, motor and sensory system normal
GCS 15/15
Reflexes          R           L
1. Biceps         +           +
2. Triceps        +          +
3. Supinator    +           +
4. Knee             +           +
5. Ankle             -           -

Prov Diagnosis
Viral pyrexia with R pleural effusion secondary to ?TB/CAP

CXR in our hospital
CXR outside

Pt is C/C/C
Fever reduced

Pallor -
Icterus -
Cyanosis -
Clubbing -
Lymphadenopathy -
Pedal edema -
BP 120/90 mmHg
PR 76 bpm
RR 19 cpm 
SpO2 100 at room air

Viral pyrexia with R pleural effusion secondary to ?TB/CAP

Pulmonology opinion taken. UGS chest, dengue serology, sputum for AFB, culture, serology rtpcr adviced. 
1. Inj OPTINEURON 1amp in 100mp NS IV/OD
2. Inj PANTOP 40mg iv/od
3. Inj NEOMAL 1amp in 100ml NS iv/sos
4. Tab PCM 500mg po/sos
5. Inj AUGMENTIN 1.2gm iv/bd (D1)
6. Tab AZITHROMYCIN 500mg po/od
7. BP, PR, RR, Temp charting 4th hrly

Pt is C/C/C
Fever reduced
SOB present

Pallor -
Icterus -
Cyanosis -
Clubbing -
Lymphadenopathy -
Pedal edema -
BP 110/80 mmHg
PR 69 bpm
RR 25 cpm 

Chest measurements
AP - 19cm
Transverse - 30cm

Viral pyrexia with R pleural effusion secondary to ?TB/CAP

Sputum collected for c/s, gram staining and AFB staining. Planned for USG chest today.
1. Inj PANTOP 40mg iv/od
2. Inj NEOMAL 1amp in 100ml NS iv/sos
3. Tab PCM 500mg po/sos
4. Inj AUGMENTIN 1.2gm iv/bd (D2)
5. Tab AZITHROMYCIN 500mg po/od
6. BP, PR, RR, Temp charting 4th hrly

Ward Patient
Pt is C/C/C
Fever reduced
SOB reduced
Patient subjectively better

Pallor -
Icterus -
Cyanosis -
Clubbing -
Lymphadenopathy -
Pedal edema -
BP 110/70 mmHg
PR 75 bpm

Hb 11.9
TLC 3400
N 46
L 42
M 10 
E 2
B 0
PCV 36.3
RBC 4.03 million
PLT 95000
Smear NCNC

Viral pyrexia with R pleural effusion secondary to ?TB/CAP

USG Chest done. Impressions
- e/o free fluid in R pleural cavity with few internal echos
- R mild pleural effusion
- e/o air sonograms in the peripheral R lower lung parenchyma suggestive of consolidation.
- no e/o fluid in pleural cavity
- lung sliding sign +
- deepest pocket 7-8 mm

1. Inj PANTOP 40mg iv/od
2. Inj NEOMAL 1amp in 100ml NS iv/sos
3. Tab PCM 500mg po/sos
4. Inj AUGMENTIN 1.2gm iv/bd (D3)
5. Tab AZITHROMYCIN 500mg po/od (D3)
6. BP, PR, RR, Temp charting 4th hrly

Ward Patient
Pt is C/C/C
Fever reduced
SOB reduced
Patient subjectively better

Pallor -
Icterus -
Cyanosis -
Clubbing -
Lymphadenopathy -
Pedal edema -
BP 110/90 mmHg
PR 83 bpm

Hb 12.2
TLC 4300
N 45
L 45
M 6
E 4
B 0
PCV 37.9
RBC 4.1 million
PLT 185000
Smear NCNC

Serology negative
Rtpcr for covid 19 negative
Spot urine protein 157mg/dl
                   creatinine 95.2mg/dl
                   ratio 1.64
Dengue NS1 +
Dengue IgM +
Dengue IgG +

Viral pyrexia (Dengue NS1 +) with R pleural effusion, R sided consolidation secondary to ?TB/CAP

1. Inj PANTOP 40mg iv/od
2. Inj NEOMAL 1amp in 100ml NS iv/sos
3. Tab PCM 500mg po/sos
4. Inj AUGMENTIN 1.2gm iv/bd (D4)
5. Tab AZITHROMYCIN 500mg po/od (D4)
6. BP, PR, RR, Temp charting 4th hrly

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